Achieving Equity in Alzheimer's Disease
As Alzheimer’s therapies continue to make great progress, questions remain about how we can ensure equitable access to the right treatments, for the right patients, at the right time. What do we know--and not know--about the etiology of the disease in and the impact of new treatments on minoritized, and especially Black, populations? Key Question: How do we achieve success with such low rates of racial and ancestral diversity in clinical trials?
Beyond Contemplating the Challenge of Inclusion in Clinical Trials
Clinical trials have traditionally fallen short when it comes to including people who are truly representative of the Alzheimer’s population. Recently successful efforts, however, are dispelling myths about the inclusion challenge. For example, among the 389 participants in the Evaluating Minority Patients with Actemra (EMPACTA) study approximately 84% were from Black, Hispanic, Native American, and other historically underrepresented groups. Key Question: What strategies successfully recruit, enroll, and retain participants who represent all of Us, especially those disproportionately affected?
Brain Health Advocacy During the Pandemic
Join policy and advocacy experts for a crash course in advocating for brain health during the COVID-19 pandemic. From an overview of key issues such as paid family leave and early detection to tips on educating policymakers in a virtual world, this session will equip you to advance your brain health agenda during this challenging time.
With a special message from Civil Rights Leader Dolores Huerta.
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