Soo Borson

, MD

Professor of Clinical Family Medicine, University of Southern California

Soo Borson, MD, is a Professor of Clinical Family Medicine at the University of Southern California and Professor Emerita at the University of Washington, where she developed its memory disorders clinic and led the ADRC’s diversity recruitment efforts. Her work focuses on strategies for improving dementia detection and care delivery, caregiver self-efficacy, and the use of health system data to improve dementia care planning. She co-leads the CDC-funded BOLD Center on Early Detection of Dementia at New York University Langone and the Southern California Dementia Care Improvement Network. Her work is guided by the continuing need to translate specialized knowledge of dementia detection, diagnosis, and care into practical, clinically meaningful, and effective tools to improve systems of care.

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This Speaker's Sessions

Thursday Oct. 17
2:00–2:50 PM ET
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Implementing an Effective and Inclusive Biomarker Strategy

Not all brains are the same. This panel will explore how experts evaluate blood biomarker accuracy in diverse real-world populations, including individuals of different races and ethnicities, and those with comorbidities that may affect readings or symptom severity. We will discuss how doctors communicate these results and assess whether we are ready to implement these diagnostics across all populations. Key Question: Are we ready to implement diagnostics across all populations?

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