RADM Richardae Araojo

, PharmD

Associate Commissioner for Minority Health and Director of the Office of Minority Health and Health Equity, U.S. Food & Drug Administration

Rear Admiral Richardae Araojo serves as the Associate Commissioner for Minority Health and Director of the Office of Minority Health and Health Equity at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  In this role, RADM Araojo provides leadership, oversight, and direction on minority health and health disparity matters for the Agency. RADM Araojo previously served as the Director of the Office of Medical Policy Initiatives in FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), where she led a variety of broad-based medical and clinical policy initiatives to improve the science and efficiency of clinical trials and enhance professional and patient labeling.  RADM Araojo joined FDA in 2003, where she held several positions in CDER. RADM Araojo received her Doctor of Pharmacy Degree from Virginia Commonwealth University, completed a Pharmacy Practice Residency at University of Maryland, and earned a Master’s degree in Pharmacy Regulation and Policy from the University of Florida.

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This Speaker's Sessions

Town Hall
Wednesday Oct. 21
2:00 PM
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No Access, No Justice: Addressing Systemic Racism in Alzheimer’s Research and Health Services

The impacts of systemic racism are being discussed more openly than ever before, from policing to COVID-19’s effects on people of color. This town hall will explore the role that systemic racism has played in shaping access to Alzheimer’s research and health services, from exclusionary study protocols to discrimination against researchers of color. Speakers will explore solutions for addressing the effects of racism through equity-centered research, policymaking and infrastructure development. Key question: What goals can we set to help address the effects of systemic racism in access to Alzheimer’s health services and research?

With a special message from Reverend Al Sharpton.

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