Jeffrey Burns

, MD, MS

Edward H. Hashinger Professor of Medicine, Co-Director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, University of Kansas

Jeffrey Burns, MD, MS, is the Edward H. Hashinger Professor of Medicine and the Co-Director of the University of Kansas Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.  His education includes a BA from Notre Dame, medical school at the University of Kansas Medical Center, neurology residency at the University of Virginia, and a post-doctoral fellowship in Alzheimer's at Washington University in St. Louis. In 2004 he returned to his hometown of Kansas City to start the Alzheimer's clinical program at the University of Kansas Medical Center to stimulate and support AD and aging research locally while pursuing research investigating how various lifestyle factors influence brain aging and AD.

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This Speaker's Sessions

Wednesday Oct. 16
1:30–2:20 PM ET
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The Patient Pathway: Beginning the Journey with Cognitive Impairment

For many diseases, well-defined diagnostic and care pathways guide patients, doctors, and caregivers through the patient journey. That is not the case for Alzheimer’s. This panel will discuss what that pathway should look like, starting from the moment a patient prepares to discuss their brain health with their doctor, through subsequent referrals to specialists and treatment options, to exploring potential involvement in clinical trials. Key Question: What needs to happen so that people with cognitive impairment have a smooth path to a reliable diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and access to clinical trials?

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