Gill Livingston

, MD

Professor, University College London

Gill Livingston is professor of psychiatry of older people in University College London, Division of Psychiatry, head of mental health care of older people’s research department and consultant psychiatrist, Camden & Islington NHS FT in the UK.

She led the Lancet International Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care, launched in 2017 and Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission published in July 2020.  They contained life course analyses of potentially modifiable risks in dementia and the updated one has 12 risk factors and specific recommendations about changes in policy and for individuals.

Her other research includes the START project, which successfully reduced depression in carers in a randomised controlled trial, demonstrating clinical and cost effectiveness and long term effectiveness. She also researches interventions in care homes, non-pharmacological interventions for sleep in dementia and dementia and equity and interventions in minority ethnic groups.

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This Speaker's Sessions

Town Hall
Tuesday Oct. 20
3:30 PM
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Building a Movement Across the Life Span to Prevent Dementia

Evidence shows that individuals can reduce dementia risk by modifying lifestyle and other health factors across their lifetime. Dementia is interconnected with conditions such as heart disease and diabetes and with obesity, income security and other social determinants of health. Together, these factors translate into higher impacts of Alzheimer’s on communities of color and women and demonstrate the need for a comprehensive approach to brain health. Join experts and advocates for a conversation about brain health across the life span. Key question: How do we build a multisector movement to reduce the prevalence of dementia by 30 percent or more by 2030?

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