Alzheimer’s Detection and Diagnosis: Embracing Innovative Technologies and Advancing Equity
Alzheimer’s and other dementias are underdiagnosed and often diagnosed late, particularly among women, Black people, and Latinos. At the same time, the latest treatments are most effective early in the course of the disease. This panel will explore how cutting-edge innovations—such as blood tests, digital cognitive assessments, and AI—can enhance detection and diagnosis rates for everyone. Key Question: How can we ensure new diagnostic and AI-based tools for Alzheimer's disease address disparities rather than widen them?
New Technologies for Early Detection and Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
Scaling up technologies for early detection of Alzheimer’s pathology and cognitive impairment promises to transform the global response to Alzheimer’s disease. Digital biomarkers and fluid biomarkers (ranging from cerebrospinal fluid to blood) to detect the disease are advancing rapidly in clinical practice and will enable a more simple, timely, and accurate Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Key Question: What do these tools and technologies mean for patients and their doctors?