Arnaud Bernaert

Head of Shaping the Future of Health and Healthcare, World Economic Forum

As a member of the Executive Committee and the head of Health and Healthcare at the World Economic Forum and a former executive at Philips, Arnaud Bernaert has launched defining public-private coalitions in fields such as epidemics preparedness, value-based healthcare, precision medicine, access to primary care, payment reforms, and healthcare IT. On such matters, he has addressed as a keynote speaker the participants of the most prestigious global healthcare gatherings in Davos, at the United Nations General Assembly, Forbes conferences, WHO’s World Health Assembly week, World Health Summit and many other conferences.

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This Speaker's Sessions

Town Hall
Tuesday Oct. 20
2:00 PM
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On the Path to 2025: Treatments and Diagnostics to Change the Trajectory of the Disease

What are the latest innovations in the drug pipeline?  How important is the need to develop diagnostics that can improve diagnosis and draw more patients into clinical trials, especially patients at high risk of Alzheimer’s? The panel will underscore the critical importance of progress on detection, diagnosis, research and treatments to stop Alzheimer’s. Key question: Will the U.S. meet our national goal of preventing and effectively treating Alzheimer's disease by 2025?

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